Lots of buzz these days around ebooks, Amazon, Google, Apple etc... Fair enough, let the Leviathans play games with and to each other ;-)
Cyberlibris philosophy has never changed since 2000: streaming, from clouds to couch and community driven. Simply use your WiFi or your 3G connection. This has given birth to ScholarVox Management, ScholarVox Finance, ScholarVox Sciences, ELibris, BiblioVox and last but not least SmartLibris (not to quote dedicated services like TeleproLivres).
ScholarVox Finance is the first of a series of roll out that will make all our services "device agnostic": Whether you use your PC, your Mac, your iPad, your iPhone, your iPod Touch, your Samsung Galaxy Tab, you will enjoy access to your library, to your shelves, to your friends and soon... a lot more indeed! Try ScholarVox Finance on iPad, this is a life changer for any finance scholar or professionnal.
Of course, reading on one device is not the same as reading on another device. Taking your iPhone for instance will enable you to quickly check what the Capital Asset Pricing Formula (famous CAPM) is all about or to understand why the volatility smile is a thorny issue. Now, if you sit in your couch, this is time for your iPad and confortable reading. You hold your iPad just like a book and pages fly from the clouds to your fingers. Write sticky notes and you'll be able the following day to see them on your computer at the office. Neat!
The same will soon apply to all our services.
But this is not it. Stay tune, more to come and this time in 3D!